About Us
Like many great ideas in history, ours started on a slightly drunken night after watching the National championship game and while we were reminiscing about the good old days when our team was one to be feared (*cough* we didn’t even go to a bowl game) the idea for Cobby was born.
We laughed hilariously at our creativity and naughtiness in creating words to put on shirts and thought, we need to do this.
And. hey, now we are.
If you have ever lived somewhere with corn and where high school and college football reign supreme, we are gonna be instant friends. So join us in this crazy adventure which is allowing us to combine our love of football with our dirty minds and a cob of corn.
If you wear our stuff, please tag us on social @bornfromthecorn and tell your friends about our shop. And if you see someone out in the wild with a Cobby shirt, be sure to give them a friendly thumbs up or a bro hug and let them know you’re in the club too. Although, if it were me, I would totally rush them and start going on and on about all the things I know we must have in common. You could do that too. Because IYKYK, am I right?